Tag: spotify

The summertime is over but not at the dancefloor!

Ian made a long time when it was already 30degrees. So turn on the volume knob and dance on this beautiful deep house track. The vibe is there. #summertime #ianbarras #deephouse #summer #netherlands

Did you ever had troubles to fall asleep: ASMR

If you ever had problems to fall asleep you know that sounds and background music can help you. maybe you like a car sound, the sea or just whistling birds. This EP is just a short library of some tracks with EFX and real sounds recorded in the field. Coming soon some complete other ASMR …

If you like techno: A Night in Frankfurt

The release of this very nice track have made a lot of people dancing. #ianbarras #spotify #anightatfrankfurt #techno

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